Send money instantly from your wallet or from Bank cards. This is a very simple procedure, enter the e-mail of the recipient and send money. Remember, you can do all this procedures without any commissions. Take advantage of our quick, easy and safe service.
With UniPAY wallet you can easily pay bills or trade with online stores accepting UniPAY electronic payments. You are completely safe carrying out financial transactions so that your bank card data is not recorded or stored anywhere.
you can fill or withdraw money instantly. Your wallet is available online for 24 hours a day. Any time , anywhere, you do not need to go out form Home or office. Do you need a Cash? visit our Branches across the country
UniPAY wallet gives you an unique conditions to start easily an internet sales, to conduct transfers and make available your products and offers on the internet.
Create an invoice, specify the e-mail of the payer and receive payments instantly.
UniPAY is perfect for designers, programmers, photographers, translators and not only for them to receive payments from customers safe and secure. Create your page with your offer and receive money instantly.
Act for people who really needs help, we can help them together and facilitate problems. We can inform about the one persons problem more than tens of thousands of kind person who are willing to become a philanthropist.
You can upload any product at UniPAY commerce page and sell it online. Upload the picture, write the description, the price and share your product globally.
Propose your ability for millions of internet-connected customers who are abroad, by help of UniPAY you can make realization of your talent and possibilities and receive profit.
We think about this stuff 24-7-365. There’s literally nothing
we thinck or care more than protecting our customers
and their information